Example of file with definition of "BIOS Information" structure
Struct "BIOS Information"
Id 0
Field "Vendor Name"
Type String
Field "BIOS Version"
Type String
Field "BIOS Starting Address Segment"
Format "0%04Xh"
Type Word
Field "BIOS Release Date"
Type String
Field "BIOS ROM Size"
Format "%d Kb"
Expression "64 * (n + 1)"
Type Byte
Field "BIOS Characteristics"
Type QWord
BitField 0:1 "Reserved"
BitField 2 "Unknown"
BitField 3 "BIOS Characteristics not supported"
BitField 4 "ISA is supported"
BitField 5 "MCA is supported"
BitField 6 "EISA is supported"
BitField 7 "PCI is supported"
BitField 8 "PCMCIA is supported"
BitField 9 "Plug and Play is supported"
BitField 10 "APM is supported"
BitField 11 "BIOS is Upgradeable (Flash)"
BitField 12 "BIOS shadowing is allowed"
BitField 13 "VL-VESA is supported"
BitField 14 "ESCD support is available"
BitField 15 "Boot from CD is supported"
BitField 16 "Selectable Boot is supported"
BitField 17 "BIOS ROM is socketed"
BitField 18 "Boot From PCMCIA is supported"
BitField 19 "Enhanced Disk Drive Specification is supported"
BitField 20 "NEC 9800 1.2mb (3.5, 1Kb/sec)"
BitField 21 "Toshiba 1.2mb (3.5)"
BitField 22 "5.25/360KB Floppy"
BitField 23 "5.25/1.2MB Floppy"
BitField 24 "3.5/720KB Floppy"
BitField 25 "3.5/2.88MB Floppy"
BitField 26 "Int 5h, Print Screen Service"
BitField 27 "Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services"
BitField 28 "Int 14h, Serial Services"
BitField 29 "Int 17h, Printer Services"
BitField 30 "Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video Services"
BitField 31 "NEC PC-98"
BitField 32:47 "Reserved for BIOS Vendor"
BitField 48:63 "Reserved for System Vendor"
Field "Characteristics Extension 1"
Version 2.1
Type Byte
BitField 0 "ACPI supported"
BitField 1 "USB Legacy is supported"
BitField 2 "AGP is supported"
BitField 3 "I2O boot is supported"
BitField 4 "LS-120 boot is supported"
BitField 5 "ATAPI ZIP Drive boot is supported"
BitField 6 "1394 boot is supported"
BitField 7 "Smart Battery supported"
Field "Characteristics Extension 2"
Version 2.3
Type Byte
BitField 0 "BIOS Boot Specification supported"
BitField 1 "Function key-initiated Network Service boot supported"
BitField 2:7 "Reserved for future assignment"