Support and Upgrade Policies

Upgrade policy
  1. All users of all APSoft products are entitled for free upgrade during 1st year after date of purchase unless major product version changes.
  2. All users of all APSoft products are entitled for an upgrade to new version with 40% discount from price of new product between 1 and 2 years after date of purchase unless major product version changes.
  3. All users of all APSoft products in possession of the valid license with non-expired upgrading period (typically 1st year after date of purchase) are entitled to purchase a new license of the product after major release with 40% discount.
  4. If you bought an APSoft product more as 2 years ago, no upgrade is possible. You will need buy a new license.
  5. All CardWare upgrades are made only inside of the same Operating System. For example you can upgrade "CardWare 6.0 for Windows NT 4.0" to "CardWare 7.0 for Windows NT 4.0", but you cannot upgrade "CardWare 6.0 for Windows NT 4.0" to "CardWare for Windows 2000 / XP and Server 2003". However during 2 years from date of purchase you can upgrade any CardWare license to CardWare 7.0 Suite with 40% discount from price of CardWare Suite.
Upgrade procedure
Attention! Following upgrade procedures are valid for customers who bought APSoft product directly from APSoft or via APSoft online shop maintained by Asknet AG.

Customers that bought APSoft product from any reseller should contact reseller for an upgrade. Alternatively, you may contact APSoft directly providing a proof of purchase. However in such case APSoft reserves an entire right to accept or do not accept an upgrade. For example if you "just bought the last week" a 5 years old CardWare version we will not upgrade it.

  1. Users in possession of valid 8-characters serial number and entitled for free upgrade as stated above may simply send an e-mail to with the Subject "Upgrade Request". In your e-mail please indicate product name and Operating System. E.g. CardWare for Windows NT 4.0. In response you will receive an e-mail with new 12-characters serial number valid for remaining part of free upgrade period (one year after date of purchase). See serial numbers description for details.
  2. Users in possession of valid 12-characters serial number and entitled for free upgrade as stated above may simply download new version from our WEB. If you wish to upgrade the product to higher major version (e.g. CardWare 6.0 to CardWare 7.0, PCIScope 1.0 to PCIScope 2.0 etc.) please send an e-mail to with the Subject "Upgrade Request". In your e-mail please indicate product name and Operating System. E.g. CardWare for Windows NT 4.0 In response you will receive an e-mail with new 12-characters serial number valid for remaining part of free upgrade period (one year after date of purchase). See serial numbers description for details.
  3. Users entitled for an upgrade to new version with 40% discount from price of new product may use WEB form at for order an upgrade. After purchasing of the upgrade you will be entitled to get further upgrades as described above for new products.
Support policy
APSoft provides all customers with free technical support via e-mail. We offer no free phone support. We make no difference between big and small customers. Sending us properly made technical support request you may expect our reply inside of 24 hours. However our possibilities are limited. Request of registered users have a priority over requests of users of trial versions.
  1. We generally do not support any products version older than one year unless this is a last release of the product. Please check the release date in the first line of the readme.txt on your disk 1. If you have a product release which is older than one year, please download newest product version from our Download Center and check if your problem is gone.
  2. If you have a problem with a product, please visit our Support Center. Please check our on-line documentation.
  3. If you still have a problem please send an e-mail to according to rules set in Support Center. There is no free phone support option available.
Customization policy for CardWare products
We customize CardWare for OEM customers on request. There are several customization options available starting with placing the customer logo to CardWare Splash screen and ending by fine tuning the product according to customer requirements. All work is done strictly on NRE basis. Please feel free to contact us if you require CardWare customization.
Services for PC Card manufacturer
We invite PC Card manufacturer to provide us with their PC Cards. Please provide name of technical contact inside of your company when sending the card.
  1. We review PC Card CIS and report any problem back to you. This service is free for PC Card Manufacturers.
  2. We test PC Card Drivers shipped with card and report any problem back to you. This service is free for PC Card Manufacturer.
  3. We provide technical support to CardWare customers for PC Cards that we have in house. This service is free for PC Card Manufacturer.