Serial numbers description

Using trial version
You can download any APSoft product from our site and use if for free during 14 days. After that period is expired, the product will stop working. Please note that all trial versions of our products has some limitations, which will be removed in fully functional versions.
Upgrading trial version to fully functional version
At any time, whether the 14-days trial period is expired or not, you can buy the product and receive a serial number. After entering a serial number you will get a fully functional version. Your will be able to download a new version of the product from APSoft Web site for free and use our technical support.
Expiration of serial number
After the serial number is expired, the installed version will continue to work as usual, but it will be impossible to download free updates.

Each 12-character serial number will expire after 1 year after you receive it. Each 8-character serial number will expire December 1, 2004.

Difference between 8-char and 12-char serial number
All new versions of APSoft products are protected with 12-characters serial numbers, some older APSoft products were protected with 8-character serial numbers. Each 12-character serial number will expire after 1 year after you receive it. Each 8-character serial number will expire December 1, 2004.